Cheap WoW Classic US Gold Tested for several weeks on the PTR, the Naxxramas raid will finally open on December 3 at 11 p.m. on the official World of Warcraft Classic servers, with the arrival of update 1.13.6 and the Scourge invasions.
Many World of Warcraft players may recognize Naxxramas as a 10 and 25-player raid for World of Warcraft introduced in the MMO's Wrath of the Lich King expansion. However, Blizzard originally released a 40-player version of the raid as part of World of Warcraft's vanilla release. It's a level-60 raid featuring an impressive 15 bosses for World of Warcraft Classic players to take on. It's also considered one of the most difficult raids prior to the release of the Burning Crusade expansion, so players should be well-geared.

The Naxxramas raid brings players into a gigantic floating necropolis above the Plaguelands in Azeroth to test their mettle with up to 40 willing heroes. Four wings of daunting enemies await, as you battle your way into the final lair. Such adventures demand rewards, and each class can look forward to a nine-piece raid set. There are also plenty of unique items up for grabs. The extremely powerful Corrupted Ashbringer sword could be yours.
Some of the Lich King's most powerful troops are hidden within this massive dungeon. A challenge that many could not complete at the time due to the high difficulty it presented, so now the soldiers of the Alliance and the Horde will be able to remember old times and claim revenge with this new opportunity.
The Naxxramas release makes up the last phase of the planned World of Warcraft Classic content drops. Patch 1.13.6 arrived a few days ago, and Naxxramas and the Scourge Invasion are available now. It might be worth looking toward BlizzCon 2021, which will be hosted next February, for news on when players can expect World of Warcraft Classic's Burning Crusade to start. is the best partner if you need gold. We are looking especially for immediate availability and fast delivery. No false promises from our side - we are always trying to improve our delivery process. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.